About the Publisher

On ne présente plus Mahi Binebine, qui s'est imposé au Maroc, depuis le début des années 2000, comme l'un des plasticiens les plus talentueux de sa génération ; il est aussi l'un des artistes marocains les plus recherchés par les collectionneurs, au Maroc comme à l'étranger. Il est également romancier, et a publié à ce jour huit romans.
Mahi Binebine has created a unique body of work that reflects upon his Moroccan heritage. His brown, oblong masks derive from traditional African ones, but Mahi's are not ceremonial. They signify oppression, a theme the artist is continually drawn to in both his artwork and writing. In many instances, his masks are eyeless, without sockets, devoid of individual identity, while other faces suggest the idea of oppression more strongly, as they are literally bound by twine or partially hidden within layers of fabric. Although Mahi Binebine's work adresses issues outside the mainstream of United States and Europe, the simplicity of his forme and their strong emotional content speaks to all cultures.
Curator Guggenheim Museum, New York